Welcome to 2015! A new year at Studio Barre is such an exciting time – filled with new members and excitement. A new year means the start of a new quarter and new choreography to introduce. A new year means that summer is right around the corner, and it’s time to get on the path away from the winter blah’s and towards the warm weather aaah’s. A new year gets people motivated and energized to make changes in their bodies and their lifestyles. We love it.
HOWEVER, many people may still be nursing what we consider a “holiday hangover.” Treats, trips, and a total break from tucking will make anyone develop inevitable fatigue and total lack of motivation – the more tired you are, the less you do to feel better, and the less you do, the more tired you feel! It’s a viscous cycle, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t admit that it happens to all of us, it’s just that some years are better than other. Workouts and healthy eating get pushed to the wayside in favor of social outings and heavy holiday meals. That nightly adult beverage becomes a need in the stress of it all, which simply leads to poor sleep and extra calories that you don’t need. Okay! Okay! You get it – you need to make changes. Now what should we DO about it?!?!
Well first, stop beating yourself up. Just because it’s suddenly 2015 doesn’t mean that you have to come up with some radical life-changing resolutions and implement them right away! We believe in baby steps at Studio Barre. If you take the time to assess your situation, and set realistic and timely goals, you’re absolutely setting yourself up for success! Instead of declaring that you’re suddenly going to come to class seven days a week and drop that holiday weight gain, commit to two or three days. THAT’S reasonable. THAT’S realistic. Two to three days will allow your body to recover between classes, as well as help prevent burnout. We want you to look forward to your amazing barre class, not dread it! So instead of berating yourself for what you haven’t accomplished or what you’ve failed to fulfill, celebrate all of those beautiful baby steps you’ve successfully taken!
Second, treat yourself to something healthy and motivating, like a new workout outfit. Whether you pick something up in a Studio Barre boutique or elsewhere, make sure it makes you feel sexy and powerful. INVEST in the amazing body you have, as well as the one that you desire! “Dress for success” absolutely applies when it comes to Studio Barre – we can see when you’re proud of the reflection staring back at you in class!
Third, use this new year as a great opportunity to re-connect with a fellow barre buddy. We’re all so much more successful when we have the support of friends and family, and friends who tuck together…are really great friends with a-ma-zing bods! Really though, when I make plans to meet a friend for a class, I’m that much more motivated to get there. When I see friends getting in shape and feeling good, I want to do the same! They motivate me, and I’d certainly like to hope that I motivate them. As instructors, we are part of an amazing Studio Barre family that provides that same support and motivation. Our job is to walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk, so….
Fourth, if you need some help setting goals or finding some direction, let us help you! There’s absolutely no need for you to navigate this process all on your own! We are there to provide the support you need to take those first baby steps, and make those small improvements that, in the long run, make such a huge difference in your life.
So once again, welcome to 2015! We declare this the year of hope and promise, and we hope you feel the same way too! As I said in my last blog of 2014, YOU are MY village. I am YOUR village. Together, we are STRENGTH DEFINED!
Happy Tucking!