Welcome to the February! Do you remember that excitement you experienced when you woke up on the other side of 2015 with SO SO MANY new plans to make?! Maybe you committed to some actual resolutions (potentially while in an inebriated celebratory state), or maybe you simply decided that things needed to change in this New Year but didn’t really have a game plan. Either way, you found your way to Studio Barre, and that’s a phenomenal first step. You might be returning after a hiatus, increasing your weekly attendance, or trying us for the first time – no matter what, we’re ecstatic to be part of your plan for the New Year. Frankly, if you go into ANY Studio Barre classroom, the drive and the passion from our clients is simply contagious. We love the positive attitudes, and we certainly love seeing familiar faces side-by-side with brand new ones.
And with all of this energy being directed into transforming physiques and creating positive body attitudes, you’d think that it might never end! We certainly hope it doesn’t – a classroom full of devoted tuckers is a really fun classroom to be in! However, we all know that as we enter February and the months to come, there will be some of you who came out of the gate nice and strong, but started to fade somewhere along the line, just short of those original goals. So we’re here to tell you that we know you’re still a work in progress, so NO WAY WILL WE LET YOU GIVE UP!
You may think that we don’t notice when we have new faces to the studio, but we DO. You may think that we don’t notice when regular clients stop coming, but we DO. You may think that we don’t see when your body starts to change, growing stronger and leaner and even more beautiful, BUT WE DO! Studio Barre is a unique community of clients, and your presence is noted as well as missed. Your accomplishments are celebrated, and your instructors become personally involved in helping you achieve your goals.
That’s why you just can’t simply give up just yet! We KNOW you can’t have possibly achieved those New Year’s goals yet. We still have work to do with you! We need you to see what we see in you – a beautiful body working incredibly hard to create positive changes. So as much as you may feel like throwing in the towel right now, we know that if you just stick with it until the reflection staring back at you looks a little different, you’ll be so incredibly happy. This is when you prove to yourself, as well as any of your doubters, that you’ve made a commitment, and you’re sticking with it.
So TODAY is when you print out the Studio Barre schedule and put it where you can’t ignore it. TODAY is when you go online and reserve a spot in the next class. TODAY is when you go and treat yourself to a cute new barre outfit that makes you feel as special as you truly are. TODAY is when you surround yourself with the incredibly supportive and positive Studio Barre family that misses you when you don’t show up. Above all, TODAY is when you decide that you WON’T GIVE UP!
Let’s accomplish those goals together in 2015. Together, we are STRENGTH DEFINED!
Happy Tucking!