Oops…I mean…Happy September 1st?! Actually, here at Studio Barre September 1st is just another January 1st in our books. Labor Day Weekend officially marks the end of summer, marking a clear path towards fall and winter (okay, okay, seasons that are maybe not as obvious here in sunny San Diego). By September 1st, kids are back in school and parents have their schedules back, and we have time to focus on our own grown-up needs just a little more. This is when we step up to the barre and recommit to feeling and looking amazing, especially with the holidays right around the corner. It’s time to make some End-Of-Summer Resolutions that will carry you through the next 4 months until January 2015 actually arrives!
So how do I go about making these resolutions? Well this year, after a phenomenal summer of family trips and late summer evenings with friends and a little (or a lot!) of vino, combined with a non-stop schedule of bringing on and launching new Studio Barre Franchises, my first step is to take a good long look in the mirror and see where I stand. It’s time to establish my starting point. It’s like a little self check-up. Am I getting enough sleep each night? Probably not. Am I feeling energized and healthy? Sometimes. Does my body feel flexible and strong? It could improve. Do I want to look and feel better over the next four months? Absolutely!
As a result of going through a little of your own self-analysis, maybe you’ll come up with a list like the following:
- I will take 3-5 barre classes a week.
- I will reduce or eliminate my alcohol intake during the week.
- I will focus on getting a full 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
- I will take time each day (maybe in barre!) to focus on and appreciate my strengths.
- I will resist the urge to weigh myself every day, instead focusing on how my clothes fit and how I feel.
- I will give my closet a good end-of-summer cleaning, making room for all of the amazing fall and winter styles.
- I will treat myself to some new fall and winter clothes and shoes as a reward for remaining committed to my fitness and health.
Whatever it is you resolve to accomplish through the end of 2014, write it down and put it out there! Because if you’re NOT feeling good about yourself and you’re NOT feeling healthy, you’ll have a hard time turning that situation around without some true reflection on the situation and acceptance of who you are, in this moment. Like I do every September 1st, you need to stand in front of that mirror (I dare you to do it naked!) and appreciate how amazing you are, as well as set those resolutions in motion to make desired changes and improvements.
I know you can do this! If you’ve opted to take the summer off or have only managed sporadic attendance, we are excited to see your smiling faces back in our studios! Honestly, I love September 1st not only for the resolutions that I commit to, but also because so many familiar faces make their way back through our studio doors. Welcome home to your Studio Barre family, and let’s tuck and pulse and bend-stretch through the next four months together as a team!
Happy Tucking!